好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

16-2 助動詞の特長


第16章 助動詞の種類と特徴

  1. be、have、doを除き、助動詞は3人称・単数・現在・直説法においても、語尾に-(e)sはつけません。
    will not study ~. am }{ studying ~.
    You shall You are loved ~.
    He may He is  
      Can I have studied ~.
      Must You do not study ~.
      need   has studied ~.
      ought not to study ~.
      He does not study ~.
  2. oughtとusedを除き、助動詞は原形動詞(toのない不定詞)と結合して用いられます。
    You must transfer to the Chuo Line at Shinjuku Station.
    I’d (=I would) like to invite you to attend the ceremony.
    He ought to〔should〕have arrived by this time.
    We always used to work overtime at the end of the month.
  3. 助動詞は否定文・疑問文においてdo(does、did)は伴いません。
    Must I come here again tomorrow?” “No, you need not (do so).”
    will not study ~. am }{ studying ~.
    You shall You are loved ~.
    He may He is  
      Can I have studied ~.
      Must You do not study ~.
      need   has studied ~.
      ought not to study ~.
      He does not study ~.