第31章 前置詞
- 同一語であっても前置詞によって対象や意味が異なるもの
- 動詞
\text{He agreed with me. (私と同じ意見だった)(人)} \\
\text{He agreed to the proposai. (その提案に賛成した) (こと)} \\
\text{They applied for assistance from the Government.}\\
\text{The rule does not apply to this case.}\\
$$ $$
\text{He attended on his sick wife. (病妻の看護をした)} \\
\text{He attended to his duties. (職務に精励した)} \\
$$ $$
\text{They called for a raise in salary. (賃上げを要求した)} \\
\text{I called on him at his office. (事務所に彼を訪れた)} \\
\text{We called on (upon) him for a speech. (彼に演説を頼んだ)} \\
He comes from Australia.(オーストラリア出身である)
\text{This product comes with a one-year guarantee. } \\
\text{(この製品は1年間の保証付きである) } \\
\text{I come across him in the company cafeteria.} \\
\text{His work was compared to that of the greatest inventors. } \\
\text{(彼の実績は最も偉大な発明家のそれにたとえられた) } \\
\text{My cooking cannot compare with hers.} \\
\text{The happiness of a country consists in the freedom of its citizens . } \\
\text{(一国の幸福は国民の自由に存する) } \\
\text{The committee consists of ten members. (委員会は10人から成る)} \\
\text{I am engaged for the latter half of this week . } \\
\text{(今週の後半は(他に)約束がある) } \\
\text{Tom is engaged to Anne. (トムはアンと婚約している) } \\
\text{He is engaged in politics. (彼は政治に携っている) } \\
\text{The teeth of one wheel engage with those of the other. } \\
\text{一方の車輪の歯は他方の車輪の歯とかみ合う. } \\
\text{He inquired after his old friend. } \\
\text{(彼は旧友の安否を問うたー病気を見舞った) } \\
\text{I inquired of an assistant at the counter about the matter. } \\
\text{(私はそのことを売り場の店員に尋ねた) } \\
\text{We must inquire into the actual facts of the case. } \\
\text{(我々は事件の真相を調査しなければならない)} \\
\text{They proceeded to disassemble the engine. } \\
\text{(彼らはエンジンの分解にとりかかった) } \\
\text{Please proceed with your explanation. } \\
\text{(どうぞ説明を続けてください)} \\
\text{Disease often results from poverty. } \\
\text{(しばしば貧困がもとで病気になるー病気は貧困に起因する) } \\
\text{His efforts resulted in failure. } \\
\text{(彼の努力は失敗に帰した)} \\
\text{Disease often results from poverty. } \\
\text{(しばしば貧困がもとで病気になるー病気は貧困に起因する) } \\
\text{His efforts resulted in failure. } \\
\text{(彼の努力は失敗に帰した)} \\
\text{I spoke for him. (私は彼を代弁(弁護)した)} \\
\text{She spoke of her private life.(彼女は自分の私生活について話した) } \\
\text{A stranger spoke to me. (見知らぬ人が私に話しかけた) } \\
\text{I spoke with him in private. (ひそかに彼と話(相談)した)} \\
\text{He succeeded in discovering a new virus. } \\
\text{(彼は新しい病原体の発見に成功した) } \\
\text{He succeeded to his father’s job. } \\
\text{(彼は父親の職を継いだ)} \\
$$ - (b)形容詞
\text{He was angry at being kept waiting so long. } \\
\text{(彼はそんなにも長く待たされていたことに腹を立てた) (こと)} \\
\text{He was angry with himself for having made such a foolish mistake. } \\
\text{(彼はそんなばかげた過ちをおかしたことで、自分自身に腹を立てていた) (人)} \\
\text{He is anxious about your health. } \\
\text{(彼はあなたの健康のことを気づかっている)} \\
\text{He is anxious for wealth and fame. } \\
\text{(彼は富と名声をほしがっているーforの次を名詞)} \\
\text{He is anxious to start as soon as possible. } \\
\text{(彼はできるかぎり早く出発したがっているーtoの次は原形動詞)} \\
\text{He is eager for success(=to succeed). (彼は成功を切に望んでいる) } \\
\text{He is eager in his business. (彼は商売に熱心だ)} \\
\text{His name is familiar to us. } \\
\text{(彼の名は我々によく知られている)(人)} \\
\text{I am not very familiar with botanical names. } \\
\text{(私は植物の名前にはあまり詳しくはない)(こと)} \\
\text{He is good at making plans. (彼は計画立案がうまい)} \\
\text{He is good for nothing. (彼は何の役にも立たない)} \\
\text{She was impatient for his arrival. (彼女は彼の到着を待ち焦がれていた)} \\
\text{I was impatient with their mistakes. (私は彼らの誤解が我慢ならなかった)} \\
\text{I am ready for the journey. (旅行の準備ができている)} \\
\text{You are ready with many excuses. (君はいろいろと言い訳がうまい)} \\
\text{He is tired from (by) his hard work. (彼は激務で疲れている)} \\
\text{I am tired of (with) his long lecture. (彼は長談義にはあきあきする)} \\
$$ - 名詞
\text{There is (a) great (poor) demand for this article. } \\
\text{(この品の需要は多い(少ない))} \\\text{People make many demands on my time. } \\
\text{(私の時間に対する要求は多いーいろいろと時間をとられて忙しい)} \\\end{cases}
\text{We investigated the influence of a magnet on an electric current. } \\
\text{(我々は磁石の電流に及ぼす影響を調査した)(こと)} \\
\text{He has great influence with (over) the manager. } \\
\text{(彼はきわめて支配人に信用がある)(人)} \\\end{cases}
- 動詞
- 同義語・反意語であっても前置詞が異なるもの
- 同義語
He { accused me of } neglecting my duty. blamed me for (彼は職務怠慢のかどで私をとがめた) You must { comply with } the request. accede to (あなたはその要求に応じるべきだ) We are { desirous of } his safety. anxious for (我々は彼の無事を切に望んでいる) He was { engaged in } literary work. occupied with (彼は文筆にたずさわっていた) - 反意語
He { hoped for } success. despaired of (彼は成功を願った/断念した) He is { connected with〔to〕 } the firm. separated from (彼はその会社と関係がある/切れている) He is { dependent on } his parents. independent of (彼は親のすねをかじっている/から一本立ちしている) My opinion is { different from } yours. similar to (私の意見はきみのと異なる/同じだ)
- 同義語