好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

32-3 従位接続詞


第32章 接続詞



従位接続詞は従属節の先頭に置いて、それを主節に連結する働きをする接続詞で、1. 名詞節を導くものと、2. 副詞節を導くものとがあります。

  1. 名詞節を導く接続詞
    That he is a specialist in electronics is certain.
    (=It is certain that he is a specialist in electronics.)
    〔主 語〕
    The most awkward thing is that the director knows the whole story. 〔補 語〕
    (いちばんまずいことは、話が完全に重役に知られてしまうことだ) 〔目的語〕
    He said (that) he would join the party of tourists.
    He came to the conclusion that he was in the wrong.
    〔主 語〕
    It is doubtful whetherif〕they are still alive.
    I don’t know whetherif〕he is at home or not
    whetherif〕or not he is at home. 

    I believe (that) he is right and that nobody can doubt it.
  2. 副詞節を導く接続詞
    1. 時を表すもの
      これには、when、while、as(しながら)、till〔until〕、before、after、since、as〔so〕long as(するかぎりは)、as soon as〔no sooner~than/scarcely〔hardly〕~before〔when〕〕(するやいなや)などがあります。
      Call me up when(ever) you have anything to tell me.
      While I stayed in America, I adopted the American way of life.
      A good idea occurred to me as I was speaking.
      Will you wait here till〔until〕I come back?
      \text{He arrived after the conference started.} \\
      \text{(会議が始まってから、彼は着いた)} \\
      \text{The conference started before he arrived.} \\
      He has lived here in Kyoto (ever) since he was born.
      You can stay here as〔so〕long as you want to.
      \text{As soon as the plane took off, a strong wind began to blow.} \\
      \text{No sooner had the plane taken off than a strong wind began to blow.} \\
      \text{Scarcely (Hardly) had the plane taken off before (when) a strong wind began to blow.}\\
      Until he told me, I had no idea of it.
      【注3】日本語の「~するやいなや」に相当する英語はas soon as~が最も一般的な言い方です。no sooner~thanはas soon as~に比べて意味が強く、形式ばった言い方です。そしてさらに意味の強いのがscarcely〔hardly〕~before〔when〕です。
      as soon as~以外を用いた場合には、上例のようにその節の動詞は過去完了時制を用います。
      The plane had no sooner taken off than・・・
      hardly〔scarcely〕taken off when〔before〕・・・

      Directly〔The moment / The instant〕the plane took off, a strong wind began to blow.
    2. 原因・理由を表すもの
      The car crashed because the driver was careless.
      Since he is absent, we have to do the work.
      As I had a lot of work to do, I remained in the office after the usual hours.
      Why is he absent from work? ―― Because he is ill.
      原因・理由を表す文語的表現として、sinceに対してはseeing (that) やconsidering (that)、またasにはnow (that) などの言い方もあります。
      Seeing〔Considering〕(that) he could not persuade the other members of the committee, he gave in.
      Now (that) the weather has improved, we’ll be able to conduct operations again.
    3. 目的・結果を表すもの
      目的を表す接続詞には、so that・・・、in order that・・・(・・・するために)、for fear that〔lest〕・・・(・・・しないように)などがあります。
      We should read a wide variety of books so that〔in order that〕we may〔can〕broaden our horizons.
      Please advise him for fear (that)〔lest、in case〕he should fail in his business.
      【注】in caseは「~の場合にそなえて」と目的を表すほか、「もし~ならば」の意味で条件も表します。
      I was so tired (that) I could not say anything.
      (=I was too tired to say anything.)
      It’s such a good chance (that) we mustn’t miss it.
      (=It’s too good a chance to miss.)
    4. 条件(仮定)を表すもの
      これにはif(もし~ならば)、unless(もし~でなければ)、if only(~でさえあれば)のほか、in case、provided (that)、supposing (that) などがあります。
      I want to take my holidays next week, if〔provided (that)〕nothing happens. (もし何事もなければ、私は来週休暇をとりたい)
      Unless you take better care of yourself, you will not live long.
      If only I could remember the car’s number!(=I wish I could remember the car’s number!) (その車の番号だけでも思い出せたらなあ)
      Take these pills, in case〔if〕you feel sick on the boat.
      Supposing (that)〔If〕he did do it, what difference would it make?
      【注】条件を表す接続詞には、上にあげたもののほか、on condition (that)(~ならば、~の条件付きで)、as〔so〕long as(~さえすれば)、except that〔only〕(~さえなければ)などがあります。
      I’ll lend you the money on condition (that)〔provided (that)〕you return it within six months.
      As〔So〕long as they had plenty to eat and drink, the men were happy.
      I would come, except that〔only〕I am busy.
    5. 譲歩・比較(比例)・様態を表すもの
      譲歩(~とはいえ、たとえ~でも)を表す接続詞にはthough、although、even though、if、even if、whether、while、asなどがあります。
      (Al)though〔Even though〕he hadn’t eaten for days, he looked strong and healthy.
      If〔Even if〕it takes me many weeks, I’m determined to finish the job.
      You’ll have to pay, whether you like it or not.
      While〔Whereas〕I have plenty of frozen assets, I am hard pressed for cash.
      Young as (=though) he was, he supported all the family.
      【注】althoughはthoughと同義語ですが、thoughよりはやや文語的で形式ばった文体で用いられます。またeven thoughのような連語ではthoughの代わりに用いることはできません。
      Veteran as he was (=Though he was a veteran), he still had to work hard to save the situation. (ベテランの彼も事態の収拾には苦労した)
      上記接続詞のほかgranted (that) や既述の複合関係詞(-(so)ever)も譲歩を表します。
      Granted (that) this is true, what can be concluded from it?
      As he grew older, he became softer.
      She worked as hard as any of the other employees in the company.
      This job is not soas〕easy as I expected.
      She writes French better than she speaks it.
      【注】原級および比較級による比較の言い方については「第13-章 比較」を参照してください。
      様態(仕方)を表す接続詞にはas、like(のように)、as if、as though(まるで~のように)、as~, so・・・(~のように・・・)などがあります。
      Do as you are told. (言われたとおりにやりなさい)
      She treats me as ifas though/like〕I was〔were〕a recruit.
      As you want others to treat you, so you must treat others.
      (自分にしてほしいと思うように人にもしなければならない ―― ことわざ)
      【注】as ifとas thoughは意味も用法もほとんど同じで、事実に反する状態を述べる節を伴うのがふつうです。したがって、そのあとにくる動詞は仮定法の過去時制または過去完了時制を用い、be動詞はwere〔was〕となります。
      ただしその可能性が強く、自信がある場合には直説法の現在形を用いることもできます。たとえば、It seems as if he is coming. と言えば、was、wereの場合よりも「現在は来ていないが来る可能性が強い」ことを示しています。