好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

13-3 比較級の用法


第13章 比較


  1. 比較級+than - 最も基本的な形
    Your company is larger than ours.
    This machine runs more quietly than the old one.
    No one can book orders from customers better than Roy (can book orders from customers).
    We are now living a more comfortable life than (we didbefore.
    He is in better health now than (he waswhen he was staying with us.
    This car is easy to drive, but that one is much easier (than this car is).
    Nothing could be further from the truth (than that).
    (それほど真実から遠いものはない - 全くの偽りだ)
    She is two years senior to me (=older than I〔me〕).
    It is superior in speed to any other machine.
    I prefer death to dishono(u)r.(=I like death better than dishonor(u)r.)
  2. 比較級の修飾語
    「副詞」の項でも少し触れましたが、比較級をさらに修飾したり、強調したりする副詞には、much、far、still、a littleなどがあります。ただし、veryは比較級には用いられません。
    The Asian market is much more active than the European one.
    This is far better than that. (これはあれよりずっとよい)
    You have a right to your property, and still more to your life.
    Your apartment has a little less space than ours.
    How many years older is he than you?
    This company has considerablyslightly〕more capital than the other two.
    A is three times heavier than B.
    (AはBよりも3倍重い = A is three times as heavy as B.)
    Japanese work four hours longer than Americans per week.
    Profits were 50% higher than last year. (利益は昨年より50%高となった)
    Our company sold 1,000 more kilos of tea this month than last month.
    動 詞: The output of oil doubled between 1970 and 1980.
    形容詞: There was a twofold increase in oil production between 1970 and 1980.
    副 詞: The production of oil rose twofold during the 1970s.
    名 詞: There was a doubling of oil production during the 1970s.
  3. 比較級+and+比較級
    As time went on, things got worse and worse.
    International relationships became more and more strained.
    His heartbeat was growing weaker and weaker.
  4. 絶対比較級
    the higher classes(上層階級)、 a better-class hotel(高級ホテル)
    higher education(高等教育)
    This magazine is very popular with the young(er) generation.
  5. the+比較級
    1. そのあとにof the twoを伴う場合
      Iron and copper are metals. Iron is the more useful of the two.
      Here are two roads. I wonder which is the shortest.
    2. the+比較級~、the+比較級・・
      \text{The older he grew,the more obstinate he became. } \\
      \text{He became (the)more obstinate,the older he grew.} \\
      $$ $$
      \text{The more we suspect others,the more they will suspect us.)} \\
      \text{Others will suspect us (the) more,the more we suspect them. )} \\
    3. (c)the+比較級+理由を示す句(節)「~なのでますます・・・」
      これは上の(b)の従属節がbecause、for、as、since、on account ofなどに導かれる句〔節〕に変わって、ある原因や理由、条件により程度の度合が変化したことを示す言い方です。
      We respect him all the better〔all the more〕for his diligence.
      I do not love him (the) less because he has faults.