好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

23-2 by以外の前置詞を用いた受動態


第23章 受動態の意味と用法


\text{He was threatened by the robber. (彼は強盗におどされた―行為者)} \\
\text{He was threatened with a knife. (彼はナイフでおどされた―道具)} \\
The cloth is woven of the finest silk by experienced weavers withon〕hand looms in China.

  1. 一般例
    He is known to everybody as the richest person in town.
    〔比較〕A man is known by the company he keeps.
    (人はその交わる友をみればわかるものだ - ことわざ)
    A newspaper is made of paper.
    (新聞は紙で作られる - 材料〔原状・原質が残っている〕)
    Paper is made from wood, rags, and other things.
    (紙は木材やぼろ、その他のもので作られる - 原料〔変質〕)
    He was taken ill from eating too much.
    The picture was painted in oils.
    He is engaged in the study of computers.
    The exchange rates are listed daily in the newspaper.
    All the goods in the warehouse were covered with dust.
  2. とくに感情を表す動詞の例
    I was surprised at his rudeness. (彼の無作法にはおどろいた)
    He was delighted at the very idea of having a vacation.
    She is very interested in the traditional arts of Japan.
    He is absorbed in extending his business connections.
    We were very pleased with our new car.
    Are you satisfied with your position?