第21章 動名詞の用法
They say (that) smoking and drinking are not good for the health. (喫煙や飲酒は健康によくないと言われる) |
〔一般的〕 |
To do that would be unwise. (そんなことをするのは賢明ではない) |
〔特 殊〕 |
I don’t dislike working, but I don’t want to work in this company. (働くことは嫌ではないが、この会社では働きたくはない) |
〔一般的と特殊〕 |
Seeing is believing. (見ることは信じることである ―― 論より証拠)
To say so is to give up the battle before it is fought.
- 動名詞・不定詞がともに目的語になりうる場合
The engine began working〔to work〕again.
He continued explaining〔to explain〕his idea.
I neglected asking〔to ask〕for information about it.
I began to understand his opinion. (私は彼の意見がわかりはじめた)
The water started to boil. (湯が沸騰しはじめた)
The paint was beginning to come off in places.
逆にpreferは、prefer A to B(BよりAのほうを好む)の形で用いられるときは動名詞を用いた方が適当といえます。
He preferred working to doing nothing.
(彼は何もしないよりは仕事をするほうを選んだ) - 動名詞と不定詞では意味が異なる場合
\text{I stopped watching television.} \\
\text{(テレビを見たことをやめた)} \\
\text{I stopped to watch (=in order to watch) the parade.} \\
$$ $$
\text{I remember seeing him once.} \\
\text{(一度彼に会ったのをおぼえている―過去のことがら)} \\
\text{Remember to see him next week.} \\
\text{In order to live,he tired begging,cheating and stealing.} \\
\text{(生きるために彼に物乞いも詐欺もそして泥棒までやってみたー実際にやった)} \\
\text{He tired to open the door.} \\
$$ - 動名詞だけが目的語になりうる場合
avoid、deny、enjoy、finish、give up、help、leave off、mind、postpone、put offなどの動詞(句)のあと。
Avoid making any promises. (約束することは避けなさい)
Have you finished writing the letter yet?
You should leave off heavy drinking.
Would you mind answering the phone for me?
I’ll postpone (=put off) expressing my opinion till I learn all the details.
(詳細がわかるまで意見を発表するのは控えておこう) - 不定詞だけが目的語になりうる場合
He decided to resign as chairman. (彼は議長を辞任する決意をした)
I hope to see you again some day. (いつかまたお会いしたいものです)
We wouldn’t〔shouldn’t〕care for him to be our rival.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
He devoted himself to developing the natural resources of Hokkaido.