好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

35-3 省略構文


第35章 語順


  1. 主語の省略
    1. 命令文
      (You) Come in, please. (どうぞお入りください)
      (You) Never say die. (弱音をはくな)
    2. 日常的なあいさつや慣用表現
      ( I ) Thank you. / (I wish you may have a) Good morning.
      ( I ) Beg your pardon.
      (・・・↗ 申し訳ありません、もう一度言ってください)
      (・・・↘ ごめんなさい、失礼しました)
      (I will) See you again tomorrow. (あすまた会いましょう)
    3. 日記文やはがき文の1人称主語
      ( I ) Got up at six. (6時起床)
      ( We ) Came here this morning. (けさ当地へ到着)
  2. 補語の省略
    “Is it hot enough?” “It is (hot enough).”
    We thought he was guilty, but later we found that he was not (guilty).
  3. 動詞(含不定詞)の省略
    “(Are) You busy?” “(I am) Not really.” (「忙しいの」「そうでもないけど」)
    He is much more loyal to the company than we (are).
    I must go, if you tell me to (go).
    He told John to come at ten and Bill (to come) at noon.
    Hence (comes) the rise in the population of New York.
  4. 主語と動詞(含 ‘There is’)の省略
    “Is he a good management consultant?” “I think (he is) not.”
    ( 「彼はすぐれた経営コンサルタントなのかね」「どうでしょうかね〔そうは思わないけれど〕」)
    What a great man (he is)! (なんと偉い人だろう)
    (It is) No wonder (that) he has succeeded. (彼が成功してもふしぎではない)
    We get the whole staff together to make arrangements whenever (it is) possible. (できる限り打合せには全員が集まるようにしている)
    When (he was) young, he was a hard worker. (若い頃は彼は働き者であった)
    I did it better than (I had done) before. (私は前よりももっとうまくそれをやった)
    “(There is) No need to pay,” he said.
  5. 仮定法の主節の省略
    Ah, if only I had been there (I would have done it differently).
  6. 関係詞・接続詞の省略
    The man (thatwhom〕) I met yesterday is Mr. X.
    Tell me the reason (why) you were absent.
    He often complains (that) Japanese is difficult because there are so many ways to say the same thing.
  7. ことわざ・格言・掲示・電報文などにおける省略
    (If a man is) Out of sight, (he will go) out of mind. (去る者は日々にうとし)
    Spare the rod, and (you will) spoil the child. (むちを惜しめば子供をだめにする)
    (It is) Better (to be) late (in doing it) than never (to do it ).
    (There must be) No smoking〔parking〕. (禁煙〔駐車禁止〕)
    (There is) No entry. (通行止)
    (This is) For sale. (売りもの)
    (This way is the) Way out. (出口)
    (You must) Watch your step. (足元にご注意)
    (Keep your) Hands off. (手を触れるべからず)
    (Don’t touch the) Wet paint. (ペンキ塗りたて)
    ( =Father has fallen seriously ill. Come immediately.「父危篤すぐ来たれ」)
    ( =My return to Tokyo will be delayed. Details will follow by letter.「帰京延びる、委細ふみ」)
  8. その他の場合における省略
    I spent my holidays at my uncle’s (house).
    St. Paul’s (Cathedral) is one of the principal sights of London.
    (Being) Sick in bed, he can’t see you.
    (Being) Surrounded by the sea, Japan has a mild climate.