好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

34-4 その他の転換


第34章 文の転換


  1. 修辞疑問文と平叙文との転換
    \begin{cases} \text{Can we ever forget the day} \\ \text{ when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima?} \\ \\ \text{We can never forget the day} \\ \text{ when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima.} \\ \text{(原爆が広島の町に投下された日を忘れられようか―忘れられはしない)} \\
    $$ $$
    \text{Who does not desire peace in the world?} \\
    \text{Everybody desires peace in the world. } \\

  2. 平叙文と感嘆文との転換
    \text{This engine makes a very loud noise. } \\
    \text{What a loud noise this engine makes!} \\
    $$ $$
    \text{I was very disappointed because he refused my request.} \\
    \text{How disappointed I was that he refused my request. } \\
  3. 直説法と仮定法との転換
    \text{As I was not at the scene of the accident, I was not injured.} \\
    \text{If I had been at the scene of the accident, I might have been injured. } \\