好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

25-5 仮定法の注意すべき用法


第25章 仮定法


  1. 仮定法の特殊な構文
    1. If it were not for~:「~がなければ」
      同義語句としてbut for~、without~もよく用いられます。
      If it were not forBut forまたはWithout〕water, no creature could live on this earth. (水がなければ、どんな生物もこの地上に生存できないであろう)
    2. If it had not been for~:「~がなかったなら」
      これもbut for、without~で代用することができます。
      If it had not been forBut forまたはwithout〕your advice, I would have been at a loss.
    3. as if〔as though〕~:「まるで~のように」
      He speaks English as ifas though〕he were an Englishman.
      He looked as ifas though〕nothing had happened.
      【注】口語ではas ifのあとの動詞は、wereはwasに、また過去完了形は過去形にしてよく用いられます。
      She often speaks as if she waswere〕a man.
      The dishes looked as if they werehad been〕made of silver.
    4. 接続詞ifの省略
      Should I fail again (=If I should fail again), I will be discharged.
      Had she spoken (=If she had spoken), her accent would have shown that she was (an) American.
      Were I as rich as he (=If I were as rich as he), I would travel abroad.
  2. if節以外の方法で仮定法を表す場合
    ただこの場合、主節の動詞が「would〔should、could、mightなど〕+ 原形動詞〔あるいはhave + 過去分詞〕」の形式で用いられることに注意が必要です。
    1. 名詞(句)に仮定の意味を含めたとき
      An Englishman (=If he were an Englishman, he) would not pronounce the word that way.
      A little care would have prevented the accident.(=If they had taken a little care, the accident would have been prevented.)
    2. 副詞(句)に仮定の意味を含めたとき
      I went at once, otherwise (=If I had not gone at once,) I would have missed him.
      A hundred years ago no doctor could have cured this disease.
    3. 前置詞(句)、接続詞(句) などに仮定の意味を含めたとき
      WithoutBut for〕(=If there were noまたはIf it were not for) air, no living thing could exist.
      I am otherwise engaged, or (=If I were not otherwise engaged,) I would go myself.
    4. 分詞に仮定の意味を含めたとき - 分詞構文の形で
      Born (=If he had been born) in better times, he would have become a great scientist.
      ( もしもっとよい時代に生まれていたら、彼は偉大な科学者になっていたであろう)
    5. 不定詞(句)に仮定の意味を含めたとき
      To hear (=If you were to hear) him talk, you would think that Chicago is full of jobless persons.
      I should be happy to be (=If I could be) of service to you.
    6. 関係節に仮定の意味を含めたとき
      A machine that breaksbrokedown every other day (=If a machine breaks〔broke〕down every other day, it) would be of little use.
      A company manager whose judgment was bad (=If his judgment was bad, a company manager) would very soon get his company into difficulties.
  3. 条件節そのものが省略される場合
    この場合、上記の(2)と同じように、動詞が「would〔should、could、mightなど〕+ 原形動詞〔あるいはhave + 過去分詞〕」の形式で用いられていることに注目し、文中の前後関係からどこに条件節が省略されているかを読みとることが大切です。
    It was so quiet that you could have heard a pin drop.
    ( あたりはとても静かだったので、ピンの落ちるのも聞こえるほどであった ―― 文尾にif you had been there〔そこにいたら〕を補って考えれば状況が一層はっきりします)
    How foolish you are! I would not do such a thing.
    ( 君はなんてばかなんだ。ぼくだったらそんなことはしないのに ―― thingのあとにif I were you〔もしぼくが君だったら〕を補うことができます)
    He is, as it were (=so to speak), a grown-up baby.
    You had better put an ad in the newspaper (=It would be better for you to put an ad in the newspaper).
    Would you mind sitting over here instead?