好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

25-3 仮定法過去完了の用法


第25章 仮定法


  1. 過去の事実に反対の仮定・想像を表す場合
    基本形: 「If + 主語 + had + 過去分詞・・・, 主語 + would(should、mightなど)+ have + 過去分詞」
    If I had got our director’s consent, I would have gone to America at once.
    (=As I did not get our director’s consent, I did not go to America at once.
    If I had known your address, I would have written to you.
    (=I did not write to you because I did not know your address.)
  2. 過去において実現されなかった願望を表す場合
    仮定法過去の場合と同様に ’I wish’ ‘If only’ などを用いて、過去において実現されなかった願望を表します。
    I wish he had been with me then.
    (=I am sorry that he was not with me then.)
    If only I had had more money then! (あの時ぼくにもっと金があったらなあ)