好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

21-4 動名詞の慣用表現


第21章 動名詞の用法


  1. There is no -ing(=It is impossible to~、We cannot~)
    There is no denying the fact.
    (その事実は否定できない - 争えない事実だ)
    There’s no telling what will happen in the end.
  2. It is no use〔good〕-ing:「~しても無駄だ」
    It is no use (your) saying anything to him about it.
    It is no good trying to get rid of these articles.
    似た表現で、There is no use〔good〕in -ingのほか、不定詞によるIt is of no use to~、It is useless to~などもあります。
    It is useless to try to reason with him about the plan.
  3. It goes without saying (that)~:「~は言うまでもない」
    It goes without saying
    (=It is needless to say) (that) you are welcome to visit us at any time.
  4. cannot help -ing:「~せざるをえない」(=cannot but~)
    I could not help laughing.(=I could not but laugh.)
    We cannot help taking some measures to cope with the recent expansion of that store.
  5. feel like -ing:「~したい気がする」
    I don’t feel like modernizing my store now.
    I felt like dancing with joy at the good news.
  6. (be) worth〔worthwhile〕-ing:「~する価値がある」
    The motor show is worth seeing. (そのモーター・ショーは見る価値がある)
    It is worthworthwhile〕(your) trying the experiment.
  7. of one’s own -ing:「自分で~した」
    This is a job of my own choosing. (これは私が自分で選んだ職場です)
    These things are of our own doing.
  8. on -ing:「~するとすぐ」(=as soon as・・・)
    On arriving in Tokyo, I went straight to his office.
    On leaving school, he entered the business world.
  9. no -ing:「~してはならない」(=don’t~)
    No parking here. (駐車禁止)
    No crossing for pedestrians. (歩行者横断禁止)
    Everyone, please fasten your seat belts. And no smoking, please.