好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

11-3 数詞


第11章 形容詞


  1. 基数詞
    There are four seasons in a year. (1年には季節が4つある)
    You can select any two of these goods.
    Four times three equals twelve. (3の4倍は12に等しい。3×4 = 12)
    1. 基数詞と単数・複数
      • 複数形をとる場合 ―― 主として慣用句として
        The guests went away in twos and threes.
        Most women in this country marry in their twenties.
        HundredsThousands〕of people came to the seaside to see the ship.
      • 単数形をとる場合 ―― hundred、thousandなどが名詞的に用いられる場合で、前に数詞がついていても単数形をとります。ただし、その後にくる動詞は複数扱いとなります。
        About five thousand houses were destroyed by the earthquake.
      • その他 ―― 基数詞を伴う名詞が複数形であっても、それが単一のまとまった観念を表すときは単数扱いになります。
        Ten miles is a good distance.(10マイルといえばかなりの距離だ)Thirty minutes is sufficient to get home.
    2. 特殊な基数詞 - dozen(12)、gross(12ダース)、score(20)など
      two dozen eggs (卵2ダース)
    3. 基数詞を含む慣用句
      Ten to one, he will come. (十中八九彼は来るだろう)
      One by one, they left the room. (ひとりひとり部屋を出て行った)
      We have a fifty-fifty chance of surviving.
  2. 序数詞
    This company has reached the thirtieth year of its existence.
    Today is the eighth of December. (今日は12月8日である)
    The book has four volumes, of which the third and (the) fourth are much larger than the first and (thesecond.
    I’ll make a second attempt tomorrow.(明日は別のことを試みてみよう)
    One is red, another (=a second) is black, and a third is blue.
    They have three children already, so this will be their fourth child.
  3. 倍数詞
    1. 度数の表し方
      once(1度)、twice(2度)、thrice(=three times)、many times(幾度も)などがあります。
      We clean the whole office once a month.
      I have visited his office three times before.
    2. 倍数の表し方
      2倍  : twice〔two times〕、double、twofold
      3倍 : three times、threefold〔triple〕
      4倍  : four times、fourfold〔quadruple〕
      何倍も : many times
      半分  : half(「半時間」half an hour〔主に英〕、a half hour〔主に米〕)
      1倍半 : one and a half times

      \text{The weight of A is three times that of B. (Aの重さはBの3倍である)} \\
      \text{A is three times B in weight. (Aは重さではBの3倍である)} \\
      \text{A is three times heavier than B. (AはBより3倍も重い)} \\
      \text{A is three times as heavy as B. (AはBの3倍の重さがある)}

      The yield of our company showed a tenfold increase over the past five years. (当社の生産高は過去5年間に10倍の増加を見た)
      This container holds three times as much water as that one.
  4. 各種数詞の読み方
    1. 基数と序数
      基数 序数
      1  one 1st first
      2 two 2nd second
      3 three 3rd third
      4 four 4th fourth
      5 five 5th fifth
      6 six 6th sixth
      7 seven 7th seventh
      8 eight 8th eighth〔éitθ〕
      9 nine 9th ninth
      10 ten 10th tenth
      11 eleven 11th eleventh
      12 twelve 12th twelfth
      13 thirteen 13th thirteenth
      14 fourteen 14th fourteenth
      15 fifteen 15th fifteenth
      16 sixteen 16th sixteenth
      17 seventeen 17th seventeenth
      18 eighteen 18th eighteenth
      19 nineteen 19th nineteenth
      20 twenty 20th twentieth
      21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first
      22 twenty-two 22nd twenty-second
      23 twenty-three 23rd twenty-third
      30 thirty 30th thirtieth
      40 forty 40th fortieth
      50 fifty 50th fiftieth
      80 eighty 80th eightieth
      100 one hundred 100th (one) hundredth
      101 one hundred 101st (one) hundred
        (and) one    (and) first
      1,000 one thousand 1,000th (one) thousandth
      10,000 ten thousand 10,000th ten thousandth
      100,000 one hundred 100,000th (one) hundred
         thousand   thousandth
      1,000,000 one million 1,000,000th (one) millionth
      10,000,000 ten million 10,000,000th ten millionth
      100,000,000 one hundred 100,000,000th (one) hundred
      (1億)  million    millionth
      1,000,000,000 one thousand 1,000,000,000th (one) thousand

      one billion〔米〕


      (one) billionth〔米〕

      (例:1203 = one, two, naught〔nought; zero; o〔ou〕, three〕
      (例:1234 = one thousand two hundred (and) thirty-four)
        イギリス式 アメリカ式
      十億… one thousand million one billion
      百億… ten thousand million  ten billion
      千億… one hundred thousand million one hundred billion
      一兆… one billion  one trillion
    2. 分数と小数
      1/2 = one〔a〕half 1/3 = one〔a〕third
      1/4 = one〔a〕quarter または one〔a〕fourth
      2/3 = two thirds 2/5 = two fifths 9 3/8 = nine and three eighths
      12.501 = twelve point five o〔ou〕one
      0.32 = nought point three two
      〇〇(循環小数)= fifty-six point seven eight recurring
    3. 数 式
      数式の説明によく用いられる動詞としては、be、make、divide、equal〔be equal to〕などがあります。
      + plusまたはand
      - minusまたは右から読んでfrom・・・leaves~
      × 右からtimes、またはmultiplied by、あるいは単にby
      ÷ divided by・・・equals~、または右からinto・・・goes~times
      2+3 = 5…Two plus three equals five. または Two and three are five.
      5-3 = 2…Five minus three equals〔is equal to〕two. または
      Three (subtracted) from five leaves〔equals〕two.
      2×4 = 8…Four times two equals〔makes、is〕eight. または
      Two (multiplied) by four equals〔makes、is〕eight.
      2×0 = 0…Two (multiplied) by nought〔zero〕is nought〔zero〕.
      9÷3 = 3…Nine divided by three equals〔makes〕three. または
      Three into nine goes three times.

      (5+2 1/6-3.33×2)÷7 1/3 …Five plus two and one sixth minus three point
      three three multiplied by two, all divided by seven and a〔one〕third

      【注意】{ }(braces)、〔 〕(brackets)、( )(parentheses)などを使った数式の一般的な読み方の例
      1/2{a+(cd)〕} one half times open brace open bracket b plus open parenthesis c minus d close parenthesis bracket brace. ※分数は「分子/分母」と表記
      5:3 the ratio of five to three
      3:6 = 4:8 Three is to six as four is to eight. または The ratio of three to six equals the ratio of four to eight.
      a2 … a〔ei〕squareまたはa squared
      b2 … b〔bi:〕cubeまたはb cubed
      c4 … c〔si:〕(raised) to the fourth (power)〔power:「累乗、冪」〕
      d1 … d〔di:〕to the (power of) minus one
      3x = 5 … Three times x equals five.
      a/b … a〔ei〕over〔divided by〕b〔bi:〕
      x4/4 =y2 … x (raised) to the fourth (power) divided by four equals y squared.
      √235 … the square root of two hundred (and) thirty-five
      3√725 … the cube root of seven hundred (and) twenty-five
    4. 年号・日付・時刻
      • ⅰ)年 号
        1989 … nineteen eighty-nine
        (’89 eighty-nine または nineteen eighty-nine)
        1906 … nineteen o〔ou〕six または nineteen hundred and six
        1600 … sixteen hundred
        西暦前537 … five thirty-seven B.C.〔bi:si:〕(= before Christ)
        西暦後33 … A.D.〔éidi:〕thirty-threeまたはthirty-three A.D.
        〔A.D.はラテン語anno Domini(=in the year of our Lord)の略〕
        昭和60年 … the sixtieth (year) of Showa
        1970~79 … the (nineteen) seventies または the 1970s
      • ⅱ)日 付
        1月1日…the 1st of January (おもにイギリス式)
        January 1(st) (おもにアメリカ式)
        1 (st) January (おもにイギリス式)
        【注】January 1(st) の読み方は正しくはJanuary the firstですが、アメリカ式ではふつうtheを省きます。
      • ⅲ)時 刻
        1. 数字をそのまま読む言い方
        2. 30分を境にしてその前はpast、その後は次の時間に向かってtoをおき、30分はhalf past~、15分はa quarter past~、45分は(a) quarter to~で表す言い方の2つがあります。
          7時10分 … seven ten / ten past〔after〕seven
          7時15分 … seven fifteen / a quarter past seven
          7時30分 … seven thirty / half past seven
          7時45分 … seven forty-five / a quarter to〔of〕eight
          午前〔後〕10時25分 … ten twenty-five a.m.〔éiém〕〔p.m.〔pí:ém〕〕
          午後3時15分(発の)列車〔飛行機〕 … the 3:15 p.m. train〔plane〕
          (読み方はthe three fifteen p.m.〔pí:ém〕train〔plane〕)
    5. 電話番号・部屋番号・住所
      4289 … four two eight nine
      691局2290 … six nine one, double two(またはtwo two)nine o〔ou〕
      215号室 … two fifteen / two one five
      ニューヨーク5番街129番地…129 (one twenty-nine) Fifth Avenue, New York

    6. 価 格
      ¥839 … eight hundred and thirty-nine yen
      $4.50 … four dollars (and) fifty (cents) / four fifty
      £3.45 … three pounds (and) forty-five (pence)
    7. その他
      Henry Ⅷ … Henry the Eighth (ヘンリー8世)
      World WarⅡ … World War Two / the Second World War (第二次世界大戦)
      Vol. I, Chap. 2, p.3 … volume one, chapter two, page three / the first
      volume, the second chapter, the third page (第1巻第2章第3ページ)