好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

4-2 構造上の分類


  • 4-2-1 単文
    Water / flows downhill. (水は斜面を下って流れる)
    The autumn foliage in Nikko / is at its best now.
    Labor Thanksgiving Day in Japan / is for recognizing the importance of all laborers and for expressing our thanks to them.
    Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi / arrived in Madrid for a three-day official visit to Spain after attending the Summit.
  • 4-2-2 複文
    1. 1主節+1従属節の場合
      I cannot understand what he says.
      In most companies, pay increases take place when the fiscal year starts.
    2. 1主節+2従属節の場合
      The man who sold that was the same man who bought this.
  • 4-2-3 重文
    Japanese people want to be friendly to foreigners, but most of them don’t speak foreign languages very well.
    You must be honest, or you cannot win the confidence of others.
    It is nearly half past four (=, and so) I have to finis today’s work quickly.
  • 4.2.4 混文
    1. 重文の中に従属節が入る場合
      There were many changes in the factory, / but we found that they were changes for the better.
    2. 複文に重文が加わった場合
      When he was ten years old he lost his parents, / and he had to make his own way in the world.
    3. 複文にさらに複文が加わった場合
      Some stars are larger than the earth on which we live; / they are so far from us that they seem to be only small shining specks.