好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

26-2 時制の一致の適用を受けない場合


第26章 時制の一致


  1. 一般的真理を表す場合
    Galileo maintained that the earth moves around the sun.
    〔比較〕Ptolemy believed that the earth was flat.
    (プトレミーは地球は平らだと信じた ―― 真実に反するのでisではなくwas)
  2. 現在なお続く状態や習慣を表す場合
    The station master told me that the first train starts at five.
    He said that he rises early every morning.
    He said that he rose early every morning.
  3. 歴史上の事実を表す場合
    We learned that the French Revolution broke out in 1789.
  4. 事実上の現在・未来を表す場合
    Yesterday he told us that he is going overseas next week.
  5. 仮定法が用いられる場合
    He said (that) if he were wealthier, he would assist them with funds.
  6. 比較を表すasやthanに導かれる場合
    At your age, I did not study as〔so〕hard as you do.
    Japan was previously more mysterious than it is today.
  7. must、ought (to)、need not、had betterが用いられる場合
    I thought I must write to him at once.
    He said that you ought tohad better, need not〕go.