好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ


\left\{\frac ab,c\right\} \\
\{{ここに文章 \\ 2行} \\
\text{text テキスト} \\
{\rm roman ローマン {\bf roman ローマン} } \\
{\sf serif セリフ {\bf serif セリフ} } \\
normal ノーマル \\
\mathrm{roman ローマン} \\
\mathbb{mathbb} \\
gt{Gothic ゴシック体} \\
\sf{serif セリフ} \\
He will come next month. (彼は来月来ます)
He will go to France in April and come home the next〔following〕month.

He was ill last month. (彼は先月病気をした)
December is the last month of the year. (12月は1年の最後の月だ)
He has been ill for the last month.
\text{He will come next month. (彼は来月来ます)} \\
\text{He will go to France in April and come home the next〔following〕month.} \\

\textbf{(\\textbf)This is test text.} \\
\textrm{This is test text.} \\
\textsf{This is test text.} \\
\textit{This is test text.} \\
\texttt{This is test text.}
\text{He will come next month. (彼は来月来ます)} \\
\text{He will go to France in April and come home the next〔following〕month.} \\

\text{He was ill last month. (彼は先月病気をした)} \\
\text{December is the last month of the year. (12月は1年の最後の月だ)} \\
\text{He has been ill for the last month.} \\

\mathtt{scarf(スカーフ)→ }
\mathtt{scarfs} \\

\mathtt{wharf(波止場) →}
\mathtt{wharfs} \\

\mathtt{gentleman} & (紳士) \\
\mathtt{lady} & (淑女)
\mathtt{hasband} & (夫) \\
\mathtt{wife} & (妻)


\mathtt{gentleman} & (紳士) \\
\mathtt{lady} & (淑女)

\mathtt{hasband} & (夫) \\
\mathtt{wife} & (妻)

\mathtt{gentleman} & (紳士) \\
\mathtt{lady} & (淑女)

\mathtt{hasband} & (夫) \\
\mathtt{wife} & (妻)

\mathtt{king} & (王) \\
\mathtt{queen} & (女王)
