好評連載コラム 実務翻訳のススメ

34-2 重文と単文との転換


第34章 文の転換


\text{He started as an office boy and worked up to the position of president.}  \\
\text{Starting as an office boy, he worked up to the  position of president.} \\
$$ $$
\text{It was Sunday, so the shops were all closed.} \\
\text{(It) Being Sunday, the shops were all close. } \\
$$ $$
\text{He awoke one morning and found himself famous .} \\
\text{He awoke one morning to find himself famous. } \\
$$ $$
\text{gone and will never return .} \\
\text{The good old days are gone, never to return. } \\
\text{My salary is low and I can afford few luxuries.} \\ 
\text{With my low salary I can afford few luxuries. } \\
\text{He not only advised me, but also helped me a great deal.} \\ 
\text{Besides (In addition to) advising me, he (also) helped me a great deal. } \\
\text{(彼は忠告してくれただけでなく、ずいぶんと助けてくれた)The good old days are}\\